This is a sequel to the article on 'Write your own script: In pursuance of Excellence'. You can read it here:
If writing your own script does the work of stating out your vision for it to be read by men then acting it out takes it beyond the 'white paper'; it engraves your vision in the hearts of men whose lives, it is imparted upon. Without the intention of acting out the script, all effort is wasted [in scribbling the vision] and no work is done for according to a law in Physics: ' work is said to be done whenever there is a result (positive)- this may sound cruel but to cease from following the multitude, you must be committed to acting out your script.

Time is CRUCIAL!
Acting out your script requires urgency- you've got to do it without delay...for as the saying goes: 'Time waits for nobody'. It is not uncommon to hear of how procrastination stole away someone's promotion or gain and one must guard against this in order to make impact in life. You must disciplined not to let time slip out of hand by partaking in frivolity...each scene of your life should be engaged with a sense of purpose- this will help an individual attain his vision in time and it is from this that satisfaction or fulfilment exudes. Hence, run with your vision.

React OR Respond
Life, at various times, sets us different stages- pleasant or unscripted- that require us to act: this is where we get to either react or respond (being proactive). What we do most of the time is that we react rather than respond. We allow the flow of events to control us rather than we controlling the flow of events. Your reaction to life's unpredictable scenery makes you an antagonist while your response makes you a protagonist- keeping you in charge. Always remember:
It's YOU who is responsible for what stays with you;
It's YOU who have the final say as to who you hang out with;
It's YOU who decides what you do with your time...
You are ultimately responsible for YOU and how you go about your life on earth so, you should give accountability precedence as you act out your script.

Strive for Excellence
Excellence must be integrated into your life's scenes as you act out your script. Although Excellence might mean 'being without blemish' but this should not make one rule out the fact that mistakes are inevitable in life and this is why you must strive to get better; seeing mistakes as learning curves that birth something rewarding if you do not keep your eyes off your vision.
Your Value determines what life gives you
Your character is the function of the values you portray. Good character gives you the edge as you go through your stage plays. A set of good character is the magnet that attracts people to you and a very important one is HUMILITY. Here is one character that brings life's good your way thereby making you very fruitful. Maintaining good values eventually sets you on the path to excellence as you act out your script.
Conclusively, I will like to bring this to your remembrance: since God, your Maker is an excellent God and He has created you in His image and likeness; there is a seed of excellence deposited in you and you should let it, strive for excellence. Roll out the scenes in your script NOW! ACTION!