
Stomach ulcer is a sore on the lining of the stomach – or to put it more plainly, an ‘open wound’ in the stomach. It could bring about a nagging abdominal pain and cause difficulty when eating. The condition leads to increased level of acidity in the stomach. It has been reported to be caused by a certain bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori and can be exacerbated by unhealthy lifestyle trends like smoking, drinking alcohol among other risk factors.

But while you might have had a grasp of the do’s and don’ts – avoid spicy and processed foods, caffeine and things like that - I will like to discuss how you effectively manage the situation as you seek to break free from the pain. So, here are 5 home remedies for treating stomach ulcer:

  • Eat foods and fruits that are rich in flavonoids: Flavonoids are widely known for their antioxidant property but they are yet very helpful in protecting the stomach lining hence quite valuable in curing stomach ulcer. The compound is abundant in legumes, broccoli, banana, soybeans, pawpaw, strawberry, spinach and celery.
  • Take honey regularly: Honey does have healing quality, and this can be beneficial to a person suffering stomach ulcer. You can use honey as a substitute for sugar [in your beverages] or you can take it directly. Another option I have tried is to mash banana, mix it with honey then take instantly – this works like magic, and is surely a good means of soothing the pain.
  • Take food/drink containing probiotics: Probiotics are basically defined as live bacteria with healthful benefits. Studies have shown that probiotics boost the functioning of the digestive system – especially as it relates to the stomach and intestines. Also, it has been revealed that this set of microorganisms play a huge role in the recovery process of ulcer patients. Probiotics are very much available in yoghurt, cheese, pickled cucumber and so on.
  • Garlic and Ginger: These two may well be classified [and used] as spice but they remain potent plants that can be used in treating ulcer and that is due to the fact that they contain an active ingredient known as allicin. This compound has antimicrobial property that can help check the growth and activity of Helicobacter pylori. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory property of ginger can also be of immeasurable benefit as the treatment of stomach ulcer is concerned. You can chew a clove of garlic on a daily basis or have it diced into your meal. For the ginger; just grate a rhizome (of ginger) and boil in water – 0.5l should do – allow it to cool and then drink.
  • Drink Aloe vera juice: You may have been thinking Aloe vera is just about skin care but there is more to it. Consuming a cup of the juice is a wonderful panacea for relieving and/or curing ulcer. The plant has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, and as such, its effectiveness in alleviating ulcer pain as it suppresses the acidity level in the stomach.