"Write the vision...make it plain..." (Habakkuk 2:2)
To achieve something tangible in life, it is expedient to have a clear mental picture of the thing and then bring it to life by writing it down. Why do I have to write it down since I have it in my head? - Writing it down helps to keep it fresh and gives you a reason [and confidence] to go for its actualization. Plus He who fails to write his own script, ends up telling the vision of others...we watch soap opera, football, talent hunt shows on TV without realizing- or rather being negligible of the fact- that we are watching [and subsequently aiming to tell] the vision(s) of others for he/she who is overtaken by television [or engrossed in watching things happen], lives to tell the visions of others. Meanwhile each and every one of us is expected, by our Maker, to be unique in his/her own way and this entails writing one's script with definiteness of purpose.
Consider this: The sculptor goes out to work out an image from a quarry; his chisel and mallet, shaping out the minutest of details with mastery and tenacity amidst the drops and trinkets of sweat that come forth...this, he does with a strive for excellence. Furthermore, no great script writer goes to work haphazardly: there is first an inspiration [which is further transmitted into 'black and white'] then brainstorming; mapping out plot, setting; character building and strategic planning geared towards dishing out a work that catches the fancy of his intended audience. Writing your life's script must be done with a yearning for excellence.
Monologue OR Dialogue?
Your life's script would from time to time vary between being monologue [whereby a soliloquy is eventually played out] or dialogue BUT one thing is be certain: you are always involved and this is where the uniqueness lies. You might be the protagonist or antagonist based on how you choose to react or respond to life itself.
Leave an indelible mark
Your script is your vision- the REASON for your BEING and of a truth, you might not always have your way but you have got to write it down in such a way that those who read it, even before seeing you act it out, will have an impressionable anamnesis about you. You are the main character in this 'play' hence your values must be integrated into your script for this would serve as the 'wand' that pulls or repels people from you...you cannot get to satisfy everyone anyway. Also, in writing your script, you must note that the plot, setting and characters that come into the play (your life) might be ones that are beyond your control to determine their appearance BUT never beyond your control to respond to.
You are a story waiting to be told...and this will not happen except there is a script in place. Don't just sit around to view the finished script of others; let them tell your own. Here is a question for you: