Stress is one readily present anomaly in our society today but it is frequently neglected or seen- by some- as 'non-existent. Whatever your view is, it is imperative to note that stress is a 'silent killer' that is lurking around as we go about our daily activities...and it is worthy of note that the prevailing economic situation will eventually exacerbate stress if care is not taken.

What is Stress? - Stress is commonly viewed as the body's way of responding to demand- this definition could be misleading in a way as it makes an individual [who is grossly overtaken by achieving results at all cost] have a 'feel-good' demeanor about stress without being cautious...when a person says: 'I work better under pressure'; what that person means indirectly, is that he/she likes his/her body getting stressed.

Holistically, stress can be defined as the temporary and/or permanent 'weight' exerted on the body system by predominantly unpleasant circumstances- emotional, physical and financial.

Looking into this circumspectly: Stress as a result of temporary weight is often referred to as 'Acute stress' and it is short-lived and does not really put the body in harm's way if taken care of. It is usually characterized by slight headache, heartburn, back pain and increased blood pressure. Acute stress can also be said to be the 'on-demand' kind of stress since it helps an individual to achieve results as stress hormones- adrenaline and cortisol are released. So, whenever you have a sudden burst of energy that propels you to do what- for instance jumping over a fence when being chased by a dog- you would ordinarily not think of; then remember ACUTE STRESS.

Stress, emanating from permanent weight, is due to an overload. Before I proceed on this; it is necessary one understands what really happens in stress situation: the nervous system shuts down every other activity in order to trigger the release of the stress hormones to attend to the demand at hand. Should this scenario continually play out, there will eventually be a build-up- this is 'stress overload' and it is commonly called 'chronic stress'.

Chronic stress is marked by lack of concentration, migraine, severe back pain [especially in the lower region], fading memory and some other symptoms that are detrimental to general well-being. Chronic stress has been linked with life threatening ailments like cardiovascular related diseases, cancer, stroke, mental problems and even diabetes.

Research has shown that in stress situations, it is not uncommon to have an urge for carbohydrate and spicy foods and stimulating beverages as the nervous system aims to get the body back in a balanced state. However, to submit to this craving is to do your body system more harm than good: these foods encourage the accumulation of substances that induce some chronic diseases- for instance sugar and caffeine.

What must one eat then?
To take care of stress, it is expedient to eat healthy. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids [like 'Titus'], vitamins and minerals- not necessarily spices- help a whole lot when one is under stress. The intake of water cannot also be neglected. To ease off dehydration- which is a function of stress- you should take water regularly- you don't have to get thirsty before you take water.

As it is impossible to live a stress-free life, one can only look to minimize the adverse effect on the body- stress cannot be eliminated but it can be managed. This can be done in different ways, one of which is through eating healthy as had been discussed earlier. But in which ever way stress situation is to be dealt with, the very first precaution is to pay attention to one's body system.

Other ways of managing stress include but not limited to:
Resting very well. 6-8 hours of rest will be of immense benefit and one doesn't have to spend this duration lying in bed. You could intermittently take some 5 minutes to rest every hour while at your work desk. This helps to calm your nerves.

Putting up a POSITIVE attitude and being hopeful.
Socializing: Having someone who you share your concerns with, prevents internal pressure from building up.

Exercise: This is a good way of relieving stress but you should not exercise to get stressed hence caution should not be thrown to the wind when exercising. The mind must also be focused on what the objective of the exercise is. Swimming and maybe meditation exercises are cool to easing off stress.