Like a sculpture hewn out of a quarry by a gnawing chisel aided by the hammer, the world gradually emerges into a conspicuous sex city as ordained by man- for God never intended it to be so. Sex has been abused in various ways- from homosexuality to bestiality, fornication and so on- all culminating in a moral decadence; the path to worldly moral destruction begins with sex nourished by lust.
Permit me to deviate a bit by asking: what is SEX? -Sex goes beyond copulation, it is a bonding that has both physical and spiritual implications and so man should not allow the pleasure for sex to overwhelm him. Acronymically, I will like to describe S.E.X as 'Sacred Embodiments X-rayed'...but by who? Who is x-raying those 'secret' parts of yours?
And what is it with our world about sex? - As when bacterial colonies multiply; events surrounding illicit sexual engagement is now at the zenith where it evokes little or no remorse thus our world has been 'reshaped' and/or 'recreated' into a sodomitic state. The ears awaken to varying degrees of this vice day in day out: 'someone has just been raped'; 'a man laid with another [even forcefully at times]'; 'a child has been disvirgined by an elderly man'...and the news goes on and on. To make this even more pathetic; relationships are now rarely tied except there is a 'foundation' laid on this sacred three lettered word- as some guys, even ladies, would connote 'they need to 'taste' before venturing committing themselves to marriage'- this is only saliently speaks of a society that wants to leave God out of the equation.
What could have gone wrong? - All pointer [as to the proliferation of these acts of immorality] might lead to communication and technological advancements that has led to the easy access to pornographic contents- it is so obvious that one cannot go through the mostly used social media without sighting a link to pages where immorality thrives unabated; it is now at our 'fingertips'.
But giving it a deeper and closer look: could teen curiosity fosterea peer pressure not have played its own part in the wobbling moral state of our world? OR Can one attribute it to the wakefulness to sex education have done more harm than good [considering that these things were not rampant as what we have now in the days of old]? Whichever way one views it, individual perception and disposition towards sex cannot be overlooked- for the heart of man controls all his activities and this is why the Bible admonishes that you and I watch over our hearts with all diligence.
It is hard to see one inhabitant of this world who has not been confronted by this 'cankerworm' that has so eaten deep into the moral fabric of our society. Men presumed to have heightened spirituality have fallen victims countless times...and seldomly gives the seductress an avenue to reduce them to 'crust of bread' and so has many glorious destinies been truncated just because of 'one nightstand', a flick into the world of pleasure and lust
What is the way out? - The only way out is to see SEX has a highly reserved act which is to be exercised through no other means but MARRIAGE- for the Bible says: 'Marriage is honourable...and the bed undefiled...(Hebrews 13:4). Failure to see sex has sacred and upholding its practice only in marriage continually leaves our world plunging into an ever widening pit of immorality.
The world might be falling but every inhabitant need not fall along with it so let every man be on the watch [and pray for grace to stand] for many are the mechanisms through which the arch-enemy (the devil) presents the bad as 'sweet and good looking' and this superficially seems 'appealing' to all BUT shall we go after satisfying the flesh at the detriment of glorifying our Maker?