Indeed it's a new year and to have experienced it, is really worth thanking God for and rejoicing over; the sound of rejoicing borne out of the fact that you are counted among the lot that made it through. However, beyond the rapturous celebration that rent the air [in churches, street parties and even clubs] right from the very first second of the new year; let us take time to sincerely answer some pertinent questions:
Where will you be standing as the year rolls by?
What principles are you going to be holding dear?
What new habits are you forming to make your year blissful?
Do you still have efflux of negativities from the immediate outgone year lurking in the corner of your mind?
Have you thought of the fact that you in this 'moment' for the reason of accomplishing a mission- a mission that is tied to your destiny? This is one crucial reason why you have been afforded this time- you have been kept for a purpose which ought to be fulfilled in order to glorify the Almighty.
Answering these questions critically will help you forge a good and highly productive year for you. Also, it is expedient that we do away with old negative habits while leveraging on old positive habits and even forming new positive ones as you strive towards personal development. To this end, let us take a look at some salient negative habits that we have cultivated [and have ended up having detrimental effects on our development] over the years:
Unproductive relationship
Social media/TV addiction
Lack of gratitude
Lack of belief
Loss of focus/determination
The list could be quite endless based on the individuals involved but the aforementioned, remain among the major reasons why we give less than what we are less productive.

Excuse the 'new' from the 'old'
Matthew 9:17: ...Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”
The negative habits of the past should not be permitted to ruin the glorious year before you. Hence, the old wineskin- your old way of thinking- is a misfit for the new wine and viz...they should have nothing in common. Therefore, it would be of immeasurable benefit to stop the stream of old habits [some have been highlighted in the preceding paragraph] that can unleash frustration and nonfulfilment into your new year: you must cut the time you spend hobnobbing mobile devices and TV; you should break off from unproductive relationship; you do not have to let others dominate your time...
The year is still fresh and there's a burst of excitement to it and in order to sustain this excitement, you must be strongly determined to ensure that you do not follow through on your old habits of putting new wine in old wineskin...there must be a renewing of the mind.
So, what old habit(s) do you think might shipwreck your development and productivity and/or creativity this year? It's time to put them in check so that you can have a fruitful and happy year all round.
From me to you: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!...Wishing you a prosperous and glorious 2017...GET BETTER not bitter!