Before you munch or take another sip
Food is a substance we all eat in order to derive some nourishments. Owing to this, food is frequently seen from the perspective of the end products (that is, the already prepared meal) without much thoughts being given to the substances and/or ingredients that had gone into the food. But since it is impossible to wholly retrieve whatever food or drink that has been gulped, it is important to pay close to the constituents that are used in preparing the consumable good before putting it into the mouth; this is even more necessary when one considers the harmful effects that could be triggered from consuming certain substances found in the foods and drinks one ingests. It is to this end that I have elected to highlight a few constituents [that are not so safe to consume] which are often added to foods in the process of preparation or cooking.
Aspartame is usually classified as a ‘sugar substitute’ since it is a sweetener but what is not always stated is the fact that it is also a carcinogen- a cancer causing substance. It has even been implicated in the cases of diabetes, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and some other mental health issues. Aspartame is being used as a sugar substitute in the production of beverages, chewing gum, toothpaste, consumable baked products and so on. So, the next time you get overtaken by the desire to consume a sweet sugar-free consumable beverage or snack, it is advisable that you check out the list of ingredients that had been used in preparing what you are about taking. Other examples of sweeteners [with potential dangers to human health] used in food production are Agave nectar and high fructose syrup.
Sodium sulphite
When consumed, sodium sulphite can get trapped in the respiratory tract where it could cause complications. It has also been found to cause skin irritation and heart problems. Sodium sulphite is the preservative commonly used in wine production, and the rate at which it endangers one’s health increases as the wine goes stale. Again, those who take pleasure in taking dried fruits are also susceptible to retaining some traces of sodium sulphite in their body system.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in foods has more to do with the method of preparation than with the ingredients that are directly added to the food- though smokers tend to have a high level of PAHs in their system. That said, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are usually formed when fats from meat get into the flame used in the preparation of barbecue. So, individuals who often take barbecue- suya, as we love to call it in local parlance- might be in as much danger as a chain smoker. PAHs are known to cause cancer, and can also wreak havoc on the kidney and liver.
Sodium benzoate
Sodium benzoate is another common preservative used in food production; it is usually added to fruit juice, salad dressings, jam and carbonated drinks. When foods and drinks containing sodium benzoate are frequently consumed, it could trigger a bout of nausea, headache, asthma, hypertension, allergic reactions, leukemia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Caramel coloring
Caramel coloring is an additive that is vastly used in the production of foods and beverages; it can be added to beer, custard, confectionery and some consumable baked goods. Caramel coloring is made from a combination of a variety of sugars as well as some other substances. Although there are conflicting toxicology reports as to the connection of caramel coloring to cancer, the consumption of foods and drinks containing this substance on regular basis can lead to instances of high blood pressure and leukopenia- a condition that can amount to the dysfunction of the immune system.
The list of harmful ingredients that may be present in snacks and beverages marked fit for consumption seems to be an endless one hence, it is really important that one is careful about what he/she eats or sips, and it is yet expedient that moderation is not put to the slaughter as the excessive intake of certain foods and drinks could put one’s health in danger.