Divorce: Who got the script wrong?
In our society today, people have varying dispositions towards marriage; some hold the union of a man and woman in high regard and some go into relationships just to have a fling. Yet there are those who cherish being single parents probably because they are wary of having a broken home or marriage. But still some dare to go where others dread to tread only to get hurt emotionally and end up with a failed marriage. It is with this in mind that the ensuing question popped up: why divorce?

"I (...) take you (...) to be my lawfully wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health, TILL DEATH DO US PART".

The above statement is one the two main characters (that is, the bride and groom) eagerly anticipate with great excitement as they transit from singlehood to what is meant to be a lifelong union. The exchange of marital vow [and rings] is the highpoint of any marriage, and that vow ends with 'till death do us part'. However, in some cases, couples do not even need something as strong as death before calling it quit. Why is this so? Inasmuch as the question 'who got the script wrong?' was raised in the topic, I will like to address the issue from the angle of what could have gone wrong. So, I will now make my humble submission under the given headings:

When the heart of a man is deceived, there is a possibility of seeing what is not meant for one as 'apparently good' enough for him/her. Relating this to marriage; going into a relationship with the wrong motive- desiring to marry just because of beauty or material gain. Those who took their marital vows without good conviction can end up having a troubled marriage.

Lack of will
It is very easy to point out that lost love is the primary reason why most divorces happen. Though I will not outrightly strike out this claim but I strongly believe that the willingness to do certain fundamental things could be responsibility for failed marriages. It takes two willing individuals to make love work in the first place. Again, the lack of will can be evident in neglecting to add 'fresh wine' to the union- talk about instances of going on a date and engaging in activities that will strengthen the bond.

Pride is a 'silent killer' that is capable of ruining an individual as well as whatever he/she has laboured to build. Pride in a relationship can result in a situation whereby a person is always proving his/her right over another. A union where pride thrives will always give rise to the root of bitterness which could make 'things fall apart'.

Another stark reality that could make individuals in a marital relationship part ways is infidelity- and this is really rampant today as the world keeps plunging into moral decadence. Unfaithfulness has killed many relationships let alone marriage. Being unfaithful to one's spouse simply denotes a lack of satisfaction which could eventually make him/her feel 'unwanted' and then walk away from the relationship.

Well, despite the probability of divorce, I earnestly believe that marriage is a 'beautiful thing' but it should not be rushed into; those who desire to get married have got to take their time; be sure that they understand what they are stepping into and also pray.
And I will like to leave you with this: that the marriage vow ends with 'till death do us part' does not mean you have to tolerate an abusive relationship. It is advisable that you seek help if you are in an abusive relationship before matter go from bad to worse.