You must have heard of the saying ‘prevention is better than cure’ a couple of times- this is one essential fact that is simply undeniable. And if there’s any medical reality where one ought to hold this statement in high regard, it will be in the area of taming chronic illnesses. This is simply because of the stubborn nature of this group of diseases; they are not easily cured, and in most cases, they can only be managed. But let me quick to say this: suffering from a chronic illness should not be viewed in the same light as being served a ‘death sentence’ as this could lead a patient into a depressive state- depression can be more damaging than the chronic illness itself.
So, let’s see the things you have got to do in order to live a healthy life and put chronic diseases in check. Before I proceed with that, I will like to say that it is probable you have heard about this before but I will be listing [and discussing about them] as a matter of emphasis.

It is recommended everyone gets up to eight (8) hours of rest every day. While rest and sleep are often used interchangeably in some instances, it is important to state [for clarity sake] that there is a difference between the two (2) terms though sleep can be taken as a form of rest. So, the hours one ought to use in resting encompasses the period of sleep- a good sleep as a matter of fact- and the break you have while at work. However, owing to the demanding nature of the corporate world, it might be difficult to make out time for a break but a little here and a little there can do one’s health a great deal of benefit. By that, I mean easing off for some minutes- say 5 minutes- every hour even without necessarily leaving the desk. Plus, it is also good to ensure that the work area is ergonomically set up.

Aerobic exercises
As you are already aware; exercises help us to stay fit. But beyond fitness, exercises can be of immense advantages in reducing the chances of one suffering a chronic illness. Aerobic exercises [which aid the supply and/or circulation of oxygen throughout the body system] are especially good for putting cancer at bay since cancerous cells have been observed to thrive more under anaerobic condition- this creates a relatively high level of alkalinity within the body hence an avenue for cancerous cells to multiply. Again, aerobic exercises help to boost the functioning of the heart, and also prevent obesity if done on a regular basis.

Healthy diet
There are certain foods one needs to cut down on in order to make sure one is in charge of his/her health and keep chronic diseases some distance away. Consumables like red meat, alcohol, sugar and foods- such as processed foods, whole milk, butter and so on- with low density lipids (LDL) i.e ‘bad cholesterol’, etc should be avoided like plague. Healthy options such as vegetables and fruits as well as foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids should form the core of one’s daily diet. Certain fruits and vegetables contain high amount of antioxidant which are very effective in fighting or preventing cancer, and also help to improve the immune system. Additionally, cigarette smoking and/or the inhalation of any form of smoke- for example from exhaust pipe, generator, etc- should not be tolerated.

As earlier emphasized; it is not that people have not heard about the aforementioned measures, the discipline to adhere to them has always been the issue. But since this is about one’s well-being- present and future- it would be really wise to start acting on these things as soon as possible. More so, bearing in mind that it is hard to find anyone suffering from a chronic illness functioning at an optimal level, it is expedient that attention to paid to one’s health while one still have it. A report from the World Health Organization (WHO) has it that hundreds of millions of dollars are lost annually in Nigeria as a result of chronic illnesses. You don’t have to contribute to that figure- and no one should in an ideal world- and you can live long and in good health too but the journey must be consciously undertaken from today onward.