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    Olumide Adekogbe

    This is not an article on sports but I shall be taking a cue from the entertaining world of sports- without which it would be some what inconceivable to treat the topic at hand.

    The goalpost has varying representations depending on the sport that is being played: in Basketball, it is a raised net; in Golf, it is a hole and in Football, it is in the form of a net fixed aground. Whatever the shape or concept behind its make-up, it is made to fulfill a purpose- that is to register goal which is what counts. Without the goalpost, players will compete aimlessly.

    The goalpost gives a sense of direction and this is the reason why players channel their energy towards getting a result (positive) registered in the goalpost. As they do this, they are not oblivious of the fact that they need to guard their goalpost. So, as the goalpost guides [towards a worthy pursuit], the players have got to GUARD their goalpost.

    Let me drive this home [to us, mankind]: As human, we have got goals that we set out to actualize but to what end...? Your goalpost in the game of life is your MOTIVE- Why do you do what you do? Why are you pursuing that goal of yours? - To impact lives? OR just to fulfill a selfish cause?- Answering these questions [with utmost sincerity] makes one's vision clearer and more relevant in the sphere of life and enables him to channel his energy towards one direction- accomplishing that goal. Every little detail of his life will give insight into the bigger picture; the more you focus on your goalpost, the closer you get to victory.

    Knowing the motive enables you to get more attracted or pulled to your goal and this gives you the edge when defending your values- if you know your motive, you will confidently stand for what you believe.

    The Relevance of the Goalpost
    The relevance of the goalpost has been briefly looked into in the preceding paragraphs but I will like to draw your attention to some salient points:
    The goalpost helps you to measure and/or envisage the consequences of your day-to-day actions. In this wise, having your motive stated out helps you to live without regrets on the long run. Majority of those who end up in regrets have often [probably ignorantly] one thing to chance- and that is that they never clarified the motive behind their actions...for them, everything goes. However, fulfillment is assured for the man who pays rapt attention to his motive before embarking on the journey of dream actualization.

    The goalpost helps you to be effective and not just busy. In the words of Ether Butter worth: "We must learn to grow through life and not just go through life." Many a times, we expend energy in activities that only dissipate us but also derail us from the path to fulfillment and thus we end up going through life. To curtail this, we need to be mindful of how we use our resources [especially energy and time] as one aims to GROW through life: this can only be possible when we have our goalpost in clear view.

    A life of 'busyness' drains an individual and leaves him with little or nothing in return but on the contrary; a life that prioritize effective over 'busyness' becomes more productive and resourceful and at the end, gets more out of life.

    In conclusion, there are many things we aim to achieve in life and the urge for success could be so great that we fail to examine or give credence to our goalpost...one must be careful of this lure. Do not just think of your goal, set out quality time [in solitude] to know the motive fueling that goal.

    Dream big...Envision greatness and mind your goalpost!

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    Olumide Adekogbe

    Like a sculpture hewn out of a quarry by a gnawing chisel aided by the hammer, the world gradually emerges into a conspicuous sex city as ordained by man- for God never intended it to be so. Sex has been abused in various ways- from homosexuality to bestiality, fornication and so on- all culminating in a moral decadence; the path to worldly moral destruction begins with sex nourished by lust.
    Permit me to deviate a bit by asking: what is SEX? -Sex goes beyond copulation, it is a bonding that has both physical and spiritual implications and so man should not allow the pleasure for sex to overwhelm him. Acronymically, I will like to describe S.E.X as 'Sacred Embodiments X-rayed'...but by who? Who is x-raying those 'secret' parts of yours?
    And what is it with our world about sex? - As when bacterial colonies multiply; events surrounding illicit sexual engagement is now at the zenith where it evokes little or no remorse thus our world has been 'reshaped' and/or 'recreated' into a sodomitic state. The ears awaken to varying degrees of this vice day in day out: 'someone has just been raped'; 'a man laid with another [even forcefully at times]'; 'a child has been disvirgined by an elderly man'...and the news goes on and on. To make this even more pathetic; relationships are now rarely tied except there is a 'foundation' laid on this sacred three lettered word- as some guys, even ladies, would connote 'they need to 'taste' before venturing committing themselves to marriage'- this is only saliently speaks of a society that wants to leave God out of the equation.
    What could have gone wrong? - All pointer [as to the proliferation of these acts of immorality] might lead to communication and technological advancements that has led to the easy access to pornographic contents- it is so obvious that one cannot go through the mostly used social media without sighting a link to pages where immorality thrives unabated; it is now at our 'fingertips'.
    But giving it a deeper and closer look: could teen curiosity fosterea peer pressure not have played its own part in the wobbling moral state of our world? OR Can one attribute it to the wakefulness to sex education have done more harm than good [considering that these things were not rampant as what we have now in the days of old]? Whichever way one views it, individual perception and disposition towards sex cannot be overlooked- for the heart of man controls all his activities and this is why the Bible admonishes that you and I watch over our hearts with all diligence.
    It is hard to see one inhabitant of this world who has not been confronted by this 'cankerworm' that has so eaten deep into the moral fabric of our society. Men presumed to have heightened spirituality have fallen victims countless times...and seldomly gives the seductress an avenue to reduce them to 'crust of bread' and so has many glorious destinies been truncated just because of 'one nightstand', a flick into the world of pleasure and lust
    What is the way out? - The only way out is to see SEX has a highly reserved act which is to be exercised through no other means but MARRIAGE- for the Bible says: 'Marriage is honourable...and the bed undefiled...(Hebrews 13:4). Failure to see sex has sacred and upholding its practice only in marriage continually leaves our world plunging into an ever widening pit of immorality.
    The world might be falling but every inhabitant need not fall along with it so let every man be on the watch [and pray for grace to stand] for many are the mechanisms through which the arch-enemy (the devil) presents the bad as 'sweet and good looking' and this superficially seems 'appealing' to all BUT shall we go after satisfying the flesh at the detriment of glorifying our Maker?

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    Olumide Adekogbe

    This is a sequel to the article on 'Write your own script: In pursuance of Excellence'. You can read it here: http://asknigeria.com.ng/topic/264/write-your-own-script-in-pursuance-of-excellence
    If writing your own script does the work of stating out your vision for it to be read by men then acting it out takes it beyond the 'white paper'; it engraves your vision in the hearts of men whose lives, it is imparted upon. Without the intention of acting out the script, all effort is wasted [in scribbling the vision] and no work is done for according to a law in Physics: ' work is said to be done whenever there is a result (positive)- this may sound cruel but to cease from following the multitude, you must be committed to acting out your script.

    Time is CRUCIAL!
    Acting out your script requires urgency- you've got to do it without delay...for as the saying goes: 'Time waits for nobody'. It is not uncommon to hear of how procrastination stole away someone's promotion or gain and one must guard against this in order to make impact in life. You must disciplined not to let time slip out of hand by partaking in frivolity...each scene of your life should be engaged with a sense of purpose- this will help an individual attain his vision in time and it is from this that satisfaction or fulfilment exudes. Hence, run with your vision.

    React OR Respond
    Life, at various times, sets us different stages- pleasant or unscripted- that require us to act: this is where we get to either react or respond (being proactive). What we do most of the time is that we react rather than respond. We allow the flow of events to control us rather than we controlling the flow of events. Your reaction to life's unpredictable scenery makes you an antagonist while your response makes you a protagonist- keeping you in charge. Always remember:
    It's YOU who is responsible for what stays with you;
    It's YOU who have the final say as to who you hang out with;
    It's YOU who decides what you do with your time...
    You are ultimately responsible for YOU and how you go about your life on earth so, you should give accountability precedence as you act out your script.

    Strive for Excellence
    Excellence must be integrated into your life's scenes as you act out your script. Although Excellence might mean 'being without blemish' but this should not make one rule out the fact that mistakes are inevitable in life and this is why you must strive to get better; seeing mistakes as learning curves that birth something rewarding if you do not keep your eyes off your vision.
    Your Value determines what life gives you
    Your character is the function of the values you portray. Good character gives you the edge as you go through your stage plays. A set of good character is the magnet that attracts people to you and a very important one is HUMILITY. Here is one character that brings life's good your way thereby making you very fruitful. Maintaining good values eventually sets you on the path to excellence as you act out your script.
    Conclusively, I will like to bring this to your remembrance: since God, your Maker is an excellent God and He has created you in His image and likeness; there is a seed of excellence deposited in you and you should let it blossom...so, strive for excellence. Roll out the scenes in your script NOW! ACTION!

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    Olumide Adekogbe

    This article is intended to be the first in a series that tend to look into the employment situation in the nation.The focal point of the series is to delve into the possible ways the three (3) major stakeholders- the employer; the government and the 'prospective' employees [which, for the purpose of this write-up, include the unemployed and the underemployed]- have influenced the state of employment in the nation today.

    The nation is definitely faced with many challenges and aside corruption, unemployment is another profound challenge that the nation is currently battling as there have been a surge in the rate of unemployment over the years- based on the data made available by the National Bureau of Statistics, the unemployment rate among youths, is over 40% and generally over 14% when the entire labour force is put in perspective. It is really a huge problem to have such high percentage of youths lounging around- the nation loses its productive energy and the economy is subsequently adversely affected.

    The reality before Us
    I will like to paint the reality facing us as a 3-level adjoining band: at the base, which is ever expanding, have an army of prospects yearning to enter into the labour market; in the middle [which is very much constricted] we have the employees (underemployed and adequately employed) and at the top, we have the 'retired', 'retrenched' and those who resigned in order to seek greener pastures hence falling into the category of the 'prospective' employees once again. So, one will see that so much weight and/or pressure is exerted upon the middle band (the labour market) from the top and the bottom of the adjoining band. It needs no brainstorming to see that something is wrong and thus it is necessary to make a move. But the question is: who should make the move [at this very moment]? -My answer: the prospective employees...why?

    Where we find ourselves today is a function of our actions and inactions in the past and it is foolhardy to think that we can continue to do things the way we used to and expect things to get better. Rephrasing Albert Einstein quote, Mensa Ottabil, once said: "we cannot solve a problem by using the same level of thinking we used when they were created". First and foremost, one area of concern is the fact that we have been made to believe that good grades and/or going to school guarantee and secure a good placement in the labour market but this is not always the case. Hence, to break free, the mentality of solely limiting ourselves to the scope of our credentials should be extirpated.

    Another thinking of ours, especially the youths of this generation, is to leave things to others- placing their destinies in the hands of external factors like budget, government actions and such likes- and failing to utilize their inborn abilities. This act has often left the prospective employees with series of complaints with no way forward...according to Jim Rohn: ..."learn to be self-reliant so that you will never complain and never explain." However, being 'self-reliant' does not necessarily equate to being 'a tree in a forest" but rather that you stand up and do something- adding value- for yourself and surely, you cannot leave people if you are setting up your enterprise.

    The youths of the day
    Fortunately, the youths of the day form the core of prospective employees of today but unfortunately, they are not gainfully employed and are even in immense competitions [whether directly or indirectly] with the older ones for job placements. The unsavoury conditions are not helped by the fact these youths now engage in activities that add little or no value to them or the society in which they live: cultism; addiction to drugs and even entertainment and social media [whereby they give so much attention to pleasures and forget that they have a life of purpose to live], etc. These things tend to efface creativity thereby make them and the society 'poor' and irrelevant.

    Furthermore, while interviewing job seekers, I have to notice some trends which boil down to:
    Failure to plan: Most often than not prospective employees tend to wait until the end of their school years before making tangible plans on life after...they seem to be absorbed in the saying: 'when we get to the bridge, we will cross' without pausing to ask: 'what do I do should the bridge be non-existing?
    Lack of Confidence: Here is another noticeable in my conversation with job seekers. Quite a few of them have some things they do but they find it difficult to talk about their innovations. This, I believe, is in part due to the revenue generated from such business...and here is one reason one should not make money one's greatest motivation. Should they exercise some degree of confidence [and persistence], they will be able to push their products and services and subsequently ease off the pressure on the labour market.

    The effective solution
    Firstly, the prospective employees have got to realize the fact that the industrial age is waning out gradually and technology has already replaced [and will still replace] human in the workspace to some extent. The era we are in now is that of entrepreneurship and maybe information age, as some will say. Each and everyone of us has a potential that is lying latent on the inside and this is the era of implementing your inner resources...like I will always say: "It is not greener on the other side, it is greener on the inside". The solution [from the part of the prospective employees] is evolve from the old age and key into the era we are in at the moment- they have got to start making up plans on how to become employers of labour in the next few years.

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    Olumide Adekogbe

    Job creation has been a 'siren song' commonly used by political office aspirants to gain the nod of the electorates who are ever nursing the hope of a better tomorrow. And these aspirants tend to play their cards well in drafting 'attention-grabbing' and solution-oriented initiatives [in order to gain votes] into their manifestoes only to fail in fulfilling their 'tectonic' promises upon resuming office. Inasmuch as this write-up is not for the purpose of castigating any government, one must state out certain facts as we look towards addressing the unemployment situation in the country

    Nigeria's Situation
    Before I proceed, I will like to say that it would be unwise to solely blame the government of the day- although the present administration cannot be wholly exempted- for our predicament in this nation. As a nation, we have often been caught in a quagmire of administrative incompetence.

    The Nigerian employment situation is simply not a palatable one as the rate of unemployment keep rising. And bringing it down to the government, our situation has not been helped by corruption and under-utilization [of both human and natural resources] and our consumerism ideology has also contributed to our predicament.

    Corruption has a direct and indirect link to the rate at which unemployment is growing: gaining employment into government parastatals is not devoid of controversy whereby we have often hear of someone going [i.e assuming an office] through the 'backdoor' thereby denying qualified and more efficient candidates the opportunity. And indirectly, as the government aims to curtail corruption [through stiff-necked policies] and misappropriation, more problems seem to be created with some companies either folding up or downsizing: this certainly does not augur well for the labour force.

    'Wailing amidst waste'
    Nigeria, being the blessed nation it is, should not find itself in the position it is at the moment but mismanagement has been one of our bane. Streamlining this to the issue of under-utilization of natural and even human [which, in a way, is connected to consumerism]; many are the natural resources that are yet to be fully harnessed as crude oil continually remains the 'centre of attraction'...with agriculture now gaining some prominence after years of neglect. However, beyond agriculture; with over forty (40) solid minerals scattered across specific places in the country, the onus of establishing industries [where these minerals will be wholesomely utilized] should fall on the government and the vision must be shared by subsequent administration irrespective of their political disposition. Leaving these resources dormant has caused us to plummet, overtime, into the doldrums of consumerism whereby certain things that could have been manufactured here, are being imported. The establishment of manufacturing industries will no doubt, create more opportunities for the unemployed youths who are languishing in the homes and on the streets of our nation and in essence, our economy will be much more developed.

    Government moves to curtail unemployment
    The N-power initiative formulated by the Federal Government is a laudable one as it would get some unemployed youths engaged. However, how sustainable will it be? And how much ground will it cover; will it have a profounding effect? The latter [question] comes to mind when one considers the fact that there are over 15.2 million unemployed youths- and this is even on the rise- out there and this programme has been setup to cater for the employment need of around three (3) quarters of a million unemployed youths: this means that 1 in every 20 youths gets employed but there is quite a huge gulf- I want to believe that the federal government will not rest on its oars just yet. Furthermore, it is hoped that this program will not go down the drain without creating an indelible mark on the economy of the nation. This concern is informed by the fact that similar programs [initiated by previous administration have not seemed to ever exist since the impact is not felt by the masses. It should not be about starting it up alone but making it work overtime will be very rewarding.

    Finding a lasting solution
    Although the issue of unemployment is one that seems to take forever to solve, the truth remains that it can be overcome should all hands be on deck. And the government can make a move towards ensuring that the rate of employment is reduced by:
    Effecting the steady provision and maintenance of basic amenities and infrastructures; for example: power, good road, etc. This will encourage SMEs and increases production while lowering cost. This would also stimulate foreign investors to do business in the nation.
    Inculcating entrepreneurial and vocational skills acquisition into the academic curriculum right from the secondary schools.

    Ensuring that manufacturing industries are put in place. The solid minerals in the nation should be utilized for the good of the nation; we should not just trade them to foreigners- we can attain knowledge on how to make the most of what we have. This might take years to actualize but in the end, it is a worthy venture.

    Making diversification of the economic a top priority. Every other sector [aside the petroleum sector] should be made functional and productive. It is commendable that the present administration has diversification in mind but moves toward its actualization should be provoked with efficacy and subsequent administration s should follow through on it.

    In conclusion, more focus and expectation [as it regards job creation] is often directed toward the central government but if any tangible result is to be achieved, political office holders at the state and local levels must also be involved and held accountable. The government has got to be creative and be service oriented.

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    Olumide Adekogbe

    There is a word that has come to be synonymous with everyday living in this dispensation; a word that is worst felt [in reality] by the pockets/purses and ruffles the common man who is still struggling for survival amidst financial insecurity. Recession has found its way into the subconscious of the common man; creeping into our economic set-up and consequently leading some financial incapacity...

    Let us be reminded of its definition: Recession is typically defined as the decline in economic activity of a nation and this span over two (2) consecutive quarters and eventually resulting in an unfavorable Gross Domestic Product (GDP) obtainable in a fiscal year. This trend usually correlates with indices such as increase in the rate of unemployment, decreased purchasing power and/or lowered consumer confidence, inflation and a 'collapsed' stock market.

    What are the actual causes of Recession?
    As the saying goes: 'our today is a consequence of our many yesterdays'; recession did not just happen, it can be traced through years of shortsightedness and oversight of functions that had immobilized the formulation of sustainable fiscal and monetary policies- this is on the general scale but there are certain economic cataclysms- some pronounced and some subtle- that have led us to where we find ourselves today. And some of these shall henceforth be highlighted:

    Unstable/non-functional fiscal policy: The fiscal policy has been drafted to augment investments in both the private and public sectors and also create a balance between the utilization of resources and the investments outlaid. However, these objectives have been defeated through the inconstant implementation of the policy and the unwillingness to upgrade the policy in order to cater for the sustainability of a dynamic economy.

    High Interest rates: The rates charged by Nigerian banks have somewhat been hard on the average businessman and new 'startups' and with Central Bank of Nigeria setting the benchmark [on interest rate] at 14% late last year, the situation is made worse and would encourage steady cash flow as employers will tend to cut back on spending; this will also contribute to the rise in the rate of unemployment. On the long run, the high interest rate has served not only as a harbinger to recession but also acts in the way of tightening the claws of recession on the nation.

    Deregulation of the oil sector: Considering the fact that petroleum resources serve a very important purpose in revenue generation in this nation, it is quite logical to conclude that any shaking up in the sector, will sternly reflect in the economic activities of the nation as a whole and it could take some time before the effect is overcome. For a quick mention [though may not be unconnected with deregulation] here: the downward plunge of oil prices in the international market also seem as a 'catalyst' for this situation we have plummeted into economically.

    Inflation: 'What goes up, must come down', they say but this does not apply to a strained economy and even in a nation where prices of goods and services hardly come down aftermath a period of price fluctuations amidst high demand and/or temporary market imbalances. This, in turn might bring about lower purchasing power as an offshoot.
    Imbalances between Wage and Price increase: Most of the times; when prices of commodities go up, the wage structure remains the same and this could make salary earners hold back or cut back on spending as they look to actualize some financial security. Consequent upon this, there occurs [though maybe negligible] a decline in the economic activities.

    Financial misappropriation: How shall one not talk about this? The position we are in today is due [in part] to the inability of past administrations to save for the rainy day as the revenue, which could have sustained the nation to some extent, ended up in the coffers of some bigwigs. At least, what was gotten during boom would have compensated for the ebb in the oil sector.

    Depreciation of the Naira: This has not been helped by our disposition as a 'consuming' economy. The naira continually loses strength against other world currencies as our major export commodity takes a downward slide.

    The aforementioned are just some of the causes of recession in Nigeria; the list is not limiting in itself and permit me to say this: the government [whether past or present] are not to be solely blamed- the citizenry also has its own blame. I will end with this question: when last did you pay your tax dutifully?bolded text

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    Olumide Adekogbe

    News outlets, in recent times, have been inundated with reports of brutal attacks perpetrated by those who do not have respect for human lives.

    A militant group that readily comes to mind is Boko haram- whose members use Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and suicide bombers to terrorize innocent lives leading to devastating losses [of lives and properties]; the Fulani herdsmen have also been a menace to the security of safe-dwelling citizens in different parts of the nation. However, more pathetic is the fact that some massacres have been instigated by those who ought to protect citizens from these militants: an instance is the shelling of the camp of the internally displaced persons- this led to the loss of hundreds of lives- at Borno state- albeit it has since been adjudged to be an accidental discharge with the Nigerian Air Force tendering its apology.

    The motives behind these attacks have varied from communal/ethic disparities, 'human error/incompetence', political agitations and religious intolerance; the latter being the most prominent reason and areas [especially remote villages] around the northern parts are often the most hardly hit. Most of the times, some of the attacks resulting in varying degrees of carnage have been targeted at crowded places like bus parks, churches, markets, mosques and so on.

    Brief History of Massacres
    A glance at the record of these heinous acts, reminds one of the alarming and quite worrisome rate at which these attacks continue to rise with the 'evil men' devising new methods in dealing deadly blows on their victims. Let us now have a recap of some of the massacres that have brought about great disturbances to the peace of this nation:

    The Bloodbath in Baga: Baga, a remote riverine community in Borno, has been brought to the consciousness of the world due to the invidious experience that had been visited upon it by the militants. The area has been under massive attacks on two separate occasions: the first was April, 2013 and January, 2015. The armed forces was also indicted in killings of April, 2013 as they alleged that the locals were acted to shield members of Boko haram. Notwithstanding, the militant group has a strong desire to cease control of this locality and their villainous return [to this area] in 2015 showed their intent as they set properties and even human beings ablaze and casualty level raking up into thousands.

    Recurring carnage in Jos and Kaduna: Jos and Kaduna are two states that have constantly been subjected to violence that lead to huge number of losses. The mixed population of Muslims and Christians seem to leave these states poised for violence as the motives behind attacks often borders on religious differences- whereas political disagreements have been pinpointed to have catalyzed the violence in Jos on certain occasions. The latest of the massacres, which left many fatalities and losses in Kaduna [and the nation] took place at Kaninkon in southern Kaduna on the eve of Christmas in 2016. It is worth noting that southern Kaduna is predominantly a Christian community and it has constantly been clobbered by viciousness from both the Fulani herdsmen and Boko haram.

    Incessant gunning down of members of the Indigenous People of Biafra: The call for secession might not go down well with the present day administration but it is equally wrong [under this 'democratic' setting] to have ordered that live ammunition be used against those agitating for this cause. It is quite unfortunate that the military is also involved in contributing to the long list of massacres in this nation...it is not a wise choice to go at unarmed agitators with full throttle; we can take a cue from Spain in the way it has dealt with the quest for secession from Catalonia. No matter what view one might hold; two wrongs will never make a right.

    The list is definitely endless- how can one forget the sad events at Odi; the various massacres inflicted upon the residents of Kano and Abuja...the land is soak with the blood of the innocent; children are taken in their prime; individuals are deprived of the companionship of the loved ones just because some groups of persons value their own interests beyond human lives. One can only hope that a lasting solution towards peaceful co-existence is reached by God's enabling grace.

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    Olumide Adekogbe

    Man is a creation that has been made to be an initiator of ideas and these ideas are meant to be used for his upliftment and also a way through which he contributes his quota to the development of his immediate society. However, while some succeed in turning their ideas into profitable ventures; some struggle and/or fail in the quest to nurture their ideas into full-blown businesses. Muhammad Yunus, the man who authored 'the Banker to the poor', once said: "All people are entrepreneurs but many don't have the opportunity to find that out". It is in unearthing the entrepreneurial abilities of certain persons [who dare to take the leap] that the input of non-governmental becomes quite appreciable. These NGOs help providing capital; mentorship and probably creating avenues whereby local entrepreneurs get display their innovations to a global audience.

    Hence, without further ado, let us see some NGOs that assist in turning an entrepreneur's 'seed' into bountiful harvest:

    The Tony Elumelu Foundation: Through the conception of the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme, the foundation has set out to help entrepreneurs across the African continent actualize their dream of becoming successful business owners. The programme which is a brainchild of influential and successful businessman, Tony Elumelu, will be bankrolled with $100 million over the span of ten (10) years. The objective of the programme is to provide participants- entrepreneurs- with some essential needs (like skill, capital and mentorship) that will enable them develop their businesses. It is envisioned that through this programme, a total of ten thousand entrepreneurs who will in turn help drive development- economic and human resource- in Africa, would have been produced within the next decade. With this programme, the foundation has thus far empowered about three thousand individuals and the 2017 event will be the fourth of its kind...application is currently ongoing for the 2017 programme and interested persons can apply through this link: https://application.tonyelumelufoundation.org/application

    LEAP Africa: The LEAP [Leadership, Effective, Accountability & Professionalism] initiative was founded by Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli in 2002. The body aims to help build entrepreneurs with good leadership qualities and also empower them with the skill needed to drive business sustainability. LEAP Africa is in partnership with JP Morgan, Sahara group, Microsoft, Lafarge, Coca-Cola Foundation, Citi Foundation, Aspen Institute...just to mention a few. The office is at 13, Omorinre Johnson Street, Lekki phase 1, Lagos.

    Center for Enterprise Development and Action Research (CEDAR): This NGO is located in Ibadan and it is in partnership with the University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre and the Center for Development Enterprises (CDE) in Belgium. It has been set up to help aspiring entrepreneurs achieve their goal(s) by ensuring that they have access to information on market intelligence; skill acquisition and also micro-credit.

    Center for Entrepreneurial Development Lagos (CEDL): CEDL is a Lagos based non-governmental organisation that provide business information and funding to prospective entrepreneurs. The objective of this body is to foster, nurture and promote innovative ideas from individuals and Small and Medium scale Enterprises. The officials of this organization hold an interactive briefing session with interested individuals every last Saturday of the month. Their office is located at No. 36, Murtala Mohammed International Airport Road, Lagos.

    FATE FOUNDATION: The FATE foundation was founded over sixteen years ago by former managing director of Guaranty Trust Bank, Fola Adeola. The foundation [through its two major programmes- Aspiring Entrepreneurs Programme and Emerging Entrepreneurs Programme] trains prospects on the skills needed to grow and nurture ideas into burgeoning business. Since its inception, the foundation has equipped over 70,000 entrepreneurs with useful information and mentorship on business strategies. FATE Foundation is in partnership with KPMG, Microsoft, Mainone, Ford Foundation, Bank of Industry and recently joined the Youth Business International Network.

    Some other non-governmental organizations with the objective of providing entrepreneurship support for individuals who are passionate about turning their innovative ideas into fortune include:

    • Seedstars Africa

    • 88 mph

    • Center for Citizens' Emancipation and Empowerment

    • 440

    • Ashoka Africa

    • Women in Management and Business (WIMBIZ)

    • Sir Emeka Offor Foundation

    However, it is worthy to note that [at one point or the other] certain professional bodies have set aside some funds for entrepreneurial advancement. For instance, the Y.E.S (Young Entrepreneurs and Students) grant was initiated by the Nigerian Young Professionals Forum in partnership with Heritage Bank; the African Women's Development Fund which is given to organizations, is yet another example among many others.

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    Olumide Adekogbe

    0_1546250627514_consumer goods.jpg
    In a world where the needs of every individual vary; there are certain commodities that command great appeal from prospective customers. Irrespective of the downward economic trend, these goods still evoke considerable consumer confidence hence a high purchasing order is obtainable in the area of sales.

    Overtime, these goods have stood the test of time [as their producers have made them evolve in consonance with market dynamics]; some [FMCG] have however cause huge and commendable stir [upon their introduction to the market] as they tend to move out of stock very quickly.

    The handiness; packaging; brand name and quality of these fast moving consumer goods have played a major role in making them 'household names'...items like gala, indomie, soft-drinks, fashion products, etc now occupy a space in our subconscious.

    Some of the fast moving consumer goods are discussed forthwith

    Packaged/Processed Food: In an 'Indomie' generation- my term for describing a world where people want things available in quick succession- and with food being a basic and essential need; the demand for packaged or processed foods becomes obviously high. Despite the 'junky' nature and probable insatiability of these foods, they still arouse the appetite of prospective consumers. Among these, we have sausage roll (e.g.: gala, meaty, etc) indomie, sardine, plantain chips, snacks and so on.

    Cleaning Agents: For the singular reason that no one wants to walk around dirty or inhabit an unhygienic environment; cleanliness takes a focal point in our daily routine. Whether for bathing, washing or cleaning, soap and other cleansing agents become very essential. Soap and detergents like Premier, Imperial Leather, Mama gold, Klin, etc have become regular handy items in and around the home. 'Hypo', for its effectiveness in cleaning and washing white clothings and some vessels (like toilet basins and closets), is also drawing huge patronage from customers.

    Phones and Phones' Accessories: The advent of ground-breaking technological advances came along with a 'craze'- that is even catalyzed by man's unquenchable desire to try out something new- that often gets the telephony and/or telecommunications industries terrifically buzzing. It is hard to come by an individual who does not possess a mobile device and phone manufacturers like Samsung, Microsoft, Tecno, Apple, etc have thus far had their products actively landing in the grasps of customers from time to time.
    Furthermore, owing to the fragility of some of these devices; phone accessories are also in high demand: screen, battery, screen guard, pouches and so on command substantial purchasing order.

    Recharge Cards: In a way, the demand for recharge cards can be viewed as an offshoot of the technological advancement as rudimentary means (like letter-writing, etc) of communication have been nearly phased out. And with communication being an essential aspect of human lives, service providers like Airtel, Etisalat, Globacom and MTN have made [and will continue to make] a fortune through the production and eventual sales of these cards- and even though this could have been through giving out franchise to interested partners.

    Beverages/Fruit Juice: The refreshing taste of a cold drink is one temptation consumers find hard to overcome...to the lure; drinks like Coca-cola, Fanta, Sprite, beer [like Gulder, Star, etc] have left an impression on the customers. Coupled with this, you have different milk brands [like Peak, Hollandia, Three crown, etc] and tea [like Milo, Bournvita, etc] that are steadily moved out of stock. Also fruit juices like Dansa, Hollandia yoghurt and so on command great respect in the market.

    Clothing/Fashion accessories: The mantra: 'looking good is good business' does ring bell here and to the ones who deal in fashion accessories; there is never an end to the opportunities available to them. Everyone desires to look good hence, as long as we live, clothing materials will remain high in demand. Furthermore, for women [though maybe some] artificial hair and make-up kits are some essentials that cannot be left out of their collection. Permit me to add this: Cosmetics like creams and lotions are also doing well in the market.

    In conclusion: it is not uncommon to see consumers who are not concerned about brand names. However, certain brands dominate the market and they can hardly be overlooked: for instance; over the years, Dangote products (e.g: salt, sugar, pasta, cement, etc) have been among the top fast moving consumer goods in Nigeria and this is seen in the company's turnover. Aside Dangote products, another company that is great exploit in manufacturing FMCG is Chi Limited, makers of Hollandia milk...I believe one thing that is setting this company apart is its creativity in reeling out different quality products that bring about customer satisfaction...'Hollandia evap', Hollandia yoghurt, Happy hour, Superbite... just to mention a few are some of the products we have come to love and that we will always love to buy.

    Wholesalers and Retailers who understand market trends very well will definitely generate good profit dealing in any of these goods since they readily appeal to customers regardless of his/her orientation- social or anti-social. And the newbies could also venture into marketing any of these goods but with a credible feasibility study and plan.

    posted in Goods and Services read more
  • O
    Olumide Adekogbe

    The story was told of two children who grew up under the auspices of an alcoholic father...and in adulthood; one of them took after the father's 'unethical' character while the other charted a different- and honorable- path.

    They were brought up in the same environment but while one was [negatively] affected by his environment; the other effected a change that offset the norm...they 'became' based what they perceive: one might have perceived his father as a 'role model'- why should one blame him though?- while the other might have seen the negative impact the alcohol was having on his father's sense of reasoning and behaviour thus he decided to be different.

    Having said this, I will like to draw your attention to the primal purpose of this article which is intended to look into the factors that get us into where we find ourselves: becoming anything in life is dependent upon two (2) factors:

    • Perception

    • Words- Your Confession

    On Perception: What you see through the eye of your mind will eventually influence what gets drawn to you and what you get drawn to. Your thought process is affected by what you, as an individual, perceives and it is only the thing(s) that you conceive- through your thought process- that you will be able to 'birth'. Hence, when you think lowly of yourself, it becomes impracticable to attain a higher ground...no one gets anything positive dreaming high and seeing 'mediocrity'- this is so because the mind [of such a person] will keep pulling him/her down: there lies the tendency to 'shell up' one's potential. When one fails to address certain thoughts like: 'I don't think I can...'; 'Who am I to attain such a big feat'...; one could gradually [and sometimes ignorantly] open the door to stagnation and backwardness. However, when you rise above your doubts and regressive thoughts- replacing the 'can'ts' with 'can'- you move towards BECOMING the vision that you have conceived or bought into.

    Words- Your confession: Words might be of little value to those who do not know its essence of life and/or living but to the person who values life, words can be quite expensive- such persons 'screen' the words they hear and also utter words with utmost care. The Bible even says in Proverbs 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

    Words communicate your beliefs to the world: a victor can BECOME by virtue of his utterances and so could a victim by made by his words. This is so because words serve as 'building blocks' that shape one's life. Positive confession gets one going even amidst life's struggles...and this is how a victor is imminently made. However, in the life of a person with 'victim's mentality'; utterances which lack substance serve as a means through which life is viewed as 'tasteless'. As the words of a victim appeals to pity; the words of a victor appeals to purpose and fulfillment- irrespective of who or what comes on board. Furthermore, the words of the victim are often bereft of life but the words of the one who has victory in sight connote hope and exude excitement.

    To wrap this up: We all desire to BECOME great in life but we seldom pay close attention to the very things that matter as we get overtaken by 'trivialities' and lost the plot of life- however negligible you think this might be, it does count a whole lot. So much events or ideas come up in our mind that we never take charge of...and our words then get to shape our future. Therefore, to get the most out of life- and become the vision or [glorious] future you are picturing; you must start perceiving greatness and imbibe [and appreciate] the culture/power of positive confession.

    The top is meant for you...don't stop until you become it: perceive and let your word shape the world you dream of...

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  • O
    Olumide Adekogbe

    An anthem is not just another song- it is one that should stimulate one's passion for the country [or body] he/she is representing and this is why we see [on rare occasions] some individuals being driven to tears as the national anthem is being sung. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Anthem as 'a formal song of loyalty, praise, or happiness.' However, the purpose of the anthem is often lost in its musicality as individuals get overtaken by the harmonious composition.

    But looking away from the rhythmic appeal- and scrutinizing the wording of the national anthem- one would come to terms with the aim for which the anthem has been put forward. The Nigerian national anthem which was composed by late Benedict Odiase has a rich vein of words and to this end, I shall be dissecting the anthem line by line [following this up with a brief commentary]:

    LINE 1-2: Arise, O Compatriots, Nigeria's call obey
    Stand up, fellow citizens...stand up to what? [you may ask]- To your responsibility- to contribute your own quota towards national development. Your responsibility is not limited to the job you do as there is a need to raise your voice against the injustice you see around you. Your 'beloved' is calling you out to rise above the shackles that years of mismanagement have visited upon her...Nigeria is earnestly calling out for your service.

    LINE 3-4: To serve our Fatherland...With love and strength and faith
    It is not just about serving but service must be rendered from the heart with a mind that is attuned towards maintaining good moral standards. The service should not be done with selfish interest which stokes the ember of corruption- I am tempted to ask: 'do the politicians who embezzle national treasure ever get to reason things out before engaging in the act? Furthermore, we are called to serve with vibrancy: many [citizens] have lost this plot because they have been discouraged by the actions of those in administration at different points in time. Nevertheless, to be a faithful citizen, one has got to wane off the negative external factors [that had repressed the mind] and start impacting positive change(s) right from one's area of influence.

    LINE 5-6: The labour of our heroes past...Shall never be in vain
    Why must you arise, O Compatriots? You should arise simply because that which has been put in place [by our founding fathers] must not be allowed to wobble and fall. Even though you might have doubts over the intentions of past heroes; it is very necessary, at this point, to put aside our differences and work hand-in-hand to sustain our 'beloved'.

    LINE 7: To serve with heart and might
    Considering SERVICE once again, questions begin to pop up:
    Do we still have men who are willing to serve wholeheartedly?
    Is there fervency in our commitment to this nation- 'our forgotten beloved'?
    Where is the spirit of patriotism?
    Rather than asking 'what is in it for me?' [when it boils down to service to the nation] shouldn't we start looking at what our unborn generations would be left with? It is high time we started putting our 'widow's mite' into nation building- whatever [be it time and energy] you can put in would go a long way.

    LINE 8-9: One nation bound in...freedom, peace and unity
    This final lines of the first stanza of our national anthem is quite weighty as it borders on a whole lot of issues. This nation is meant to be one but how can this oneness be sustained when we have various ethnic groups with some even feeling 'marginalized'? The answer lies in being committed to nation building and promoting national interest above ethnical and political preferences- this goes to citizens and politicians alike.

    Again, this one nation was supposed to be bound in freedom, peace and unity...but has this been the case: Is there freedom where we see religious and ethnic violence? Worst still, justice seems unfair to those that have been victimized by these acts of violence. And is there unity where a fellow citizen sees colour and/or ethnicity above the need to preserve humanity?

    If this nation is to be held together as one; action plan(s) must be drawn and the foundational values upon which this 'beloved' of ours was built must be reviewed. I believe that we can start the journey of 'making right the wrongs' of many yesteryears by going back to the 'beginning'- our national anthem; singing it with our hearts in it...let's make Nigeria great again...

    Arise, O Compatriots,
    Nigeria's call obey
    To serve our Fatherland
    With love and strength and faith.
    The labour of our heroes past
    Shall never be in vain,
    To serve with heart and might
    One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity.

    posted in Public Service and Governance read more
  • O
    Olumide Adekogbe

    Answers may vary when you ask people from different places in the world: 'which place is the most frequented area?' But looking away from geographical location, there is a place that we could easily [and generally] come to term the 'most frequented'- and that is the 'WORLDWIDE WEB'.

    It has become so popular and easily reached that even a 3-year old could feel its impact and it is readily available at our fingertip. The internet has indeed played a huge role in turning the world into a 'global village'. Nevertheless, despite its popularity and usefulness; it has also become commonplace to see how this medium has been abused time and again.

    Without further ado, let us now see some of the ways the internet has thus far been abused:

    PROPAGATION OF FAKE NEWS: The accessibility of the internet has been very well utilized by propagandists whose 'business' thrives in spreading false news and rumors that have frequently caused spate of animosity among the audience who participate in the discourse. This act [of spreading false news] has been perfected with pictures [that are often doctored] hence leaving even the learned easily caught up in the 'web of deception'. More disturbing and pathetic is the fact that established media outlets have also joined the bandwagon [of internet propagandists] as ignoble act of spreading fake news assumes primacy over newsworthiness.

    PROLIFERATION OF PORNOGRAPHIC LINKS: Although the idea behind the evolvement of the internet is information sharing but I doubt if founding fathers- like J.C.R Licklider; Tim Berners Lee and co- of the internet had envisaged that the invention they helped to develop, would someday be a means through which nudity and other degree of obscenities are commercialized. Gone are the days when an individual has to step out of his apartment to satisfy these 'wanton pleasures' as links to pornographic sites are just a click away. These links create a nuisance on social media and in a world where everyone seems to have the right to his/her own view without pondering over the preservation of good moral standards, it becomes nearly impossible to control the proliferation...all that one can do is to be self-disciplined.

    STREAMS OF FRAUDULENT ACTIVITIES: It is not uncommon to hear and/or see how the internet has been used [by unscrupulous individuals] to visit 'misery' upon unsuspecting individuals. The execution of fraudulent activities takes a different dimension with the use of the internet. Fraudsters derive joy- without caring about whether the purpose of the internet is defeated or not- from activities that look seemingly fiddling to those as weighty as defrauding people of huge sums of money. Therefore, one needs to be careful about how he/she relates on social media as you do not know what lies on the other end.

    ADDICTION: Most of us might not be found wanting in the previously mentioned forms of abuses; however, when it comes to getting addicted to the internet [especially the social media] we cease to be 'saints'. The internet is supposed to be engaged with clearly defined purpose but this [purpose] is often upended when we get overtaken by pleasure- like having to check the likes and comments our pictures and status have amassed- without having a good conscience as our comfort zone 'homes us in'. This is one of the reasons why some families seem close but are far apart as relationship goes virtual with everyone [in the family] 'clasping' his/her mobile device in the hand hence, having little or no quality time together as a family. Also the time to have used in adding more value to life- doing other gainful things- is wasted in this act. To address this; it is important to be committed to setting priorities right and be self-disciplined in the use of the internet.

    The internet is one of the best things that have happened to mankind but it is quite unfortunate that despite the advancement in information and communication technology; the full potential of the internet is still being undermined- yet another form of abuse: underutilization. One key advantage for its existence [in our generation] is to promote commerce but it appears that most people treat this with laxity or they do not just seem to catch the vision and they end up abusing the 'webspace'...The internet is fast becoming the bedrock of businesses in this era and the earlier one realizes this and breakaway from the habit of misusing the medium; the better for growth and development of businesses.

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  • O
    Olumide Adekogbe

    The sweltering heat of the sun these days is anything but pleasant; the heat is so intense that even the walls [from the inside of some rooms] are not spared. This kind of heat could make a sun-tanning freak have a rethink. The heat is certainly a consequence of the high intensity of sun as witnessed in different states. For instance, the approximate average temperature over the past few days in Lagos has been 34 degrees celsius; Kano 39; Abuja 37 and Rivers 32.

    Despite this searing heat, the sun does have some desirable advantages it offers to the human. Scientists have found out that the sun can help to improve mood; alleviate stress and also provide us with Vitamin D which is one of the key elements responsible for the formation of strong bones.

    But then, how much sun is too much for our well-being? – talk about the negative effects of the sun. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure of human beings to a temperature of about 32-40oc can cause heat exhaustion, which is definitely bad for human health. Heat exhaustion brings about profuse sweating, nausea, headache, a feeling of fatigue, dizziness and could even make an affected person to pass out. Heat stroke is another heat related illness that can occur when the body is exposed to a temperature of 40oC upwards for a long time. It causes its sufferers to experience a bout of confused and uncoordinated state of mind, seizures, low blood pressure and so on.

    Furthermore, the long term exposure of the human body to extreme temperature can also cause other illnesses/disorders such as heat cramps, heat rashes, sunburn, accelerated ageing and skin cancer. Again, in some instances excessive heat can damage some internal organs [such as the kidney, brain, heart, lungs and liver] and also destabilize the body’s metabolic and physiological setup.

    Safety tips
    Since man has not been endowed with the ability to regulate the intensity of the sun, it is only logical that we seek out ways of protecting ourselves from the sun. Well, you need not be told that this is not a season for heavy clothing – light clothing apparels are ideal for this season. However, in addition to that, you should take note of the following safety tips:

    • Wear sunglasses
      Sunglasses will help to block off ultraviolet rays from directly hitting your eyes thus saving your sight organ from the negative impact of the sun. But before settling for any sunglasses to use during this period, you should take cognizance of the sun protection factor (SPF) – sunglasses with SPF rating of 30 and above are the best bet. Besides wearing sunglasses, you can also find a sunhat and an umbrella quite handy.
    • Stay hydrated
      Drinking water or any clear fluid [with electrolytes] is very essential to help cool the internal organs and keep the body from getting dehydrated. One thing you need to know is that you do not have to be thirsty before reaching out for a glass of water to drink in extreme temperatures.
    • Take a cool shower
      If you can afford a shower at regular intervals - barring a busy schedule- you should not hesitate. This could prevent sunburn, heat rash and the build-up of heat that can eventually lead to heat stroke.
    • Apply sunscreen
      Sunscreens come in form of lotions or gels, and they help to protect the skin from sunburn; wrinkling fast and also prevents skin cancers. However, as with sunglasses, the SPF rating of sunscreens should also be considered before making a purchase.

    On a final note, irrespective of how ‘religious’ you may be at adhering to the tips above, it is advisable that you stay out of the sun when you can – you should make use of the shades around you or stay in air-conditioned [or well-ventilated] room. And one more thing; do not engage in workouts or physical activities that are too demanding.

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