Good Friday: Jesus Christ, hope of mankind  Cleric
By Dorcas Elusogbon

Pastor Timothy Bakare, Zonal Superintendent for Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Ibukun Iloro Zonal Headquarters, has reaffirmed that Jesus Christ is the only hope for mankind.

Bakare made the confirmation during a Good Friday Service at the Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Ibukun Iloro, Zonal Headquarters, on Friday, in Ile-Ife.

He said that God created man in His own image, with the hope of serving Him, but it was a pity that men fall short of the Glory of God, by transgressing against Him.

According to the cleric, God cursed both Adam and Eve including Satan and the curse persists on humans and animals till date.

Woe unto the world, for the adversary was sent to the world.

But Glory be to God that shown mercy unto the whole world, by giving us His only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

If anyone be in Christ, he is s new creature, old things have passed away, they have become new. he said.

Bakare then charged Christians to move closer to Christ and turn a leaf in Him, by genuinely repenting of their sins, so that the death and resurrection of Christ on the cross, would not be in futility.

He urged Nigerians to utilise this period to pray for national security, embrace peaceful coexistence across the country and eschew evil. (NAN)

Source: NAN News