Grey hair not only for aged, but as genetic deficiencies
BY Zainab Oyekan

Dr Martin Adejo, a medical expert, has attributed grey hair in people to genetic, stress, disease and some vitamin deficiencies.

He said that grey hair was not just for the aged as could be seen across all ages which had made both the aged and young to feel at home with the growth.

Adejo responded to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) survey on grey hair in Jos on Friday.

He said that some people could have grey hair very early in life from their primary or post primary schools but that did not imply they were diseased.

I said earlier, grey hair on young people could be as a result of genetic trend, stress due to type of life or work engaged in by the young person, lack of vitamins or disease, to be cock sure, medical checks are needed, he said.

Adejo said that growing of grey hair should not be a worrisome trait to anyone once medically certified sound, people should take the growth as a new trend .

Getting worried over growing grey hair is not a solution but attitudinal change to accept the growth as fashion trend and enjoy their looks, he advised.

NAN report further that some respondent said that growing grey-hair is no longer a source of worry to them because going grey now is a trend in fashion and no more a sign of old age.

Mrs Hannatu Bello, a 47-year-old woman, said that before now, she saw herself as being unkempt and was always worried about her appearance.

Bello said that since the grey hair changed the old norm of being a stigma, I have developed more confident in myself.

Mr Andrew Bello, said that before now he was always dying his grey hair but now everyone admired him and called him a silver fox handsome man.

I am just 58 years old and I am all grey and my beard turned grey too making me look handsomely; I get hear women say you look good and my wife is crazy about my look too, said Bello.

Mrs Angela Emeka, a 44-year-old woman, said she started having grey in her early twenties and was worried then but there was a paradigm shift in fashion now that had given her the courage to be proud of it.

There is a social shift from women fearing grey hair, getting old to loving and embracing it and its a global social change, said Emeka.

Miss Abigail Dung, a 20 year old young girl who dyed her hair grey, said celebrities all over the world now wear grey as the in-thing.

Miss Jumai Johnson, a teenager, who had a grey wig on said that grey hair was not just for older people but a colour for everyone.

This development has helped to remove stigma that the hair colour was associated with getting old, said Johnson.

NAN reports that many people confessed that the grey hair is no longer an issue of worry as they have learnt to keep themselves neat and appear decent at all times. (NAN)

Source: NAN News