NCWS solicits stronger partnership with leadership centre
By Dorcas Jonah

The National Council of Women Societies (NCWS) Nigeria, has solicited stronger partnership with Citizenship and Leadership Training Centre (CLTC) for training of women and youth on leadership skills.

The newly-electedPresident of NCWS, Hajiya Lami Lau, said this when she led a delegation on a visit to theDirector-General of CLTC,Mr Adesoji Eniade,in Abuja.

Lau said the NCWS visit to the centre was to appreciate CLTC for its efforts in partnering with NCWS, especially during the last leadership training.

She said that the NCWS, under her leadership, had developed a roadmap for achieving the vision of the council for the next five years.

Lau her vision for the Council was to promote women in leadership and governance as well as economic empowerment for women.

Others she said are: stimulating actions to strengthen legal and policy frameworks to end violence against women and girls; child protection and girl-child education.

Lau also said she would endeavour to build an effective and efficient NCWS as a valued partner for promoting the gender equality.

Poor leadership forms the core challenge and bane of our society and as such should be aggressively tackled.

Based on this, we request to strengthen the partnership and also avail the NCWS more opportunities, especially in leadership trainings for the newly inaugurated National Executive Officers, she said.

Earlier,Eniadehad promised to partner the NCWS to train youth on how to be good leaders.

Eniade said that both agencies were strategic stakeholders in the national efforts to build cultivate good citizens in both women and youth.

The NCWS was established to guide the activities of women in Nigeria.We need good women and mothers in Nigeria to ensure that both the men and youth imbibe good character.

Women are the bridge between the men in leadership and youths. This is a very honourable job and I pray God will help them to succeed, he said.

Eniade said that the CLTC was also involved in developing good leadership qualities among young people through various training programmes.

Looking at the Nigeria population of over 200 million, the percentage of people that constitutes its leadership is less than one while about 65 per cent are the youths and women.

The CLTC is an organisation established to focus on youths while the NCWS focuses on women and youth, hence the need for the collaboration, he said. (NAN) (


Edited by Uche Anunne

Source: NAN News