Mega growth

Old Price: N400
New Price: N450

People verdict:

  • It helps to defend against breakage and it increases the strength of relaxed hair by 100%

  • Mainly used for both stubborn and soft hair because it gives the hair a nice moisture. It's costly but people buy it more compared to Ozone and Relax.

Rating: 6 likes 4 Dislikes


Price: N350
New Price: N450

People verdict:

  • It changes the color of the hair

  • Burns hair easily. Causes Dandruff and sore to one's hair.

Rating:3 likes, 11 dislikes

Price: N350

People verdict:

  • It does not relax soft hair

  • Relaxes the hair. Soft , Nice and easily affordable.

Rating: 12 likes, 5 dislikes


This is a work of independent research by AskNigeria staff. We got no kick backs or payment for these. More data is been collated and will add to this page subsequently. We seek to make these pages a decision making and guidance consumer page, that will aid their spending and have good value for their money when making purchasing decisions.