Upgrade your membership by donating an assigned amount to an assigned member e.g upgrade to Grade 1 by donating $20 (N6,000) to a Grade 1 member assigned to you a.k.a Your Level 1 Upline.
Receive same amount you donated from each member among assigned number of members e.g receive donations of $20 (N6,000) from each member among 5 members assigned to you a.k.a Your Level 1 Downlines. You will receive a total donation of $100 (N30,000)

Continuously upgrade your membership until you reach Grade 10 e.g upgrade to Grsde 2 by donating $40 (N12,000) to a Grade 2 member assigned to you a.k.a Your Level 2 Upline, then receive donations of $40 (N12,000) from each member among 25 members assigned to you a.k.a Your Level 2 Downlines. You will receive a total donation of $1,000 (N300,000)

SUMMARY: Look at this illustration, every member is expected to give birth to/refer 5 children (new members);
Grade 1: - Donate $20 (N6,000) to your father and receive $20 (N6,000) donation from each of your 5 children, which is totalled $100 (30,000)
Grade 2: - Donate $40 (N12,000) to your grand father and receive $40 (N12,000) donation from each of your 25 grand children, which is totalled $1,000 (300,000)
Grade 3: - Donate $80 (N24,000) to your great grand father and receive $80 (N24,000) donation from each of your 125 great grand children, which is totalled $10,000

for more details contact: 08131006839
or visit icharityclub.org.ng