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An 11-year-old girl in East China who measures a whopping 2.1 meters tall has also recently rose to fame on social media.

Video shows 11-year-old Zhang Ziyu, a student at Jinan Wenhua East Road Primary School, towering over her classmates as they exercised at the school last week.

"I really like Zhang Ziyu because she is very tall and can pick me up very high," one of her classmates said.

"She was already 1.6 meters in the first grade. I'm not even that tall now," said another.

The daughter of professional basketball players, Zhang loves the game and is a big fan of NBA stars James Harden and LeBron James.

Zhang also has her own hoop dreams. Her mother Yu Ying, who played for China's national women's team, said Zhang's athletic future depends on how she cultivates her talent.

"All my family supports her basketball ambitions as she is really into it now," Yu said.

Zhang has some height on Ren Keyu, an 11-year-old boy in Sichuan Province who caught media attention earlier this year standing at 2.06 meters.