The average Nigerian wage earner loves to work; he/she is a ‘workaholic’ who will give whatever it takes to keep his/her job and please the employer – all in the quest for survival. Amidst all these, health and/or well-being is often not given the needed attention, and in no distant time, the body gets to be weighed down as a result of the pressing demands that had been placed on it. As though this negligence is not enough, our office space is not usually set up in an ergonomic fashion.
Time and again, we have heard or even seen a colleague slumped or simply lost it and unable to contribute much productive inputs as he/she would normally do. There is certainly a limit to how far we can push the body, and while not disputing the importance of having a sound and undisturbed sleep from time to time, it is highly advisable to seek some other ways of arresting the situation [of getting the body overworked] before things go out of hand. We have got to make it a point of duty to learn how to relieve stress, and interestingly, massage can be very helpful in this regard.
Studies have shown that stress is often responsible for the onset of a host of chronic diseases. It also leads to the stiffness of muscles and could even cause depression and anxiety. A good and regular massage can however help a great deal to curtail these conditions. Massage ensures that the muscles are eased of tension thus helping one to relax better and maintain a very active mind.
And the truth is that you do not have to frequent the masseuse or a spa to have a good massage session; you can do it right in the comfort of your home – and all by yourself. Here, you will find the different ways you can relieve your body parts from stress. Even more exciting is the prospect of using massage chair for the purpose of stress relief. These chairs are usually equipped with features that will subject your body to varying types of massage techniques – talk about Shiatsu massage, deep tissue massage, Swedish massage to mention just a few. With the chair, trigger point massage is also achievable, and one feature that never ceases to amaze me is the zero-gravity technology [incorporated in some massage chair] that makes the experience all the more gratifying.
Besides all that have been discussed, stress relief can also be achieved through the following means:
- Regular exercise. This basically keeps your body in a good condition.
- Daily meditation
- Taking a nap [even while at work]. Many bosses have found it ‘abominable’ for employees to take a nap at work but research has shown that such nap could be very beneficial in sustaining and/or promoting productivity.
- Eating healthily. Avoid taking peppery foods or beverages containing caffeine to relieve stress – the urge for these foods and drinks might be heightened with the onset of stress. Rather take yogurt, leafy vegetables, fruits like orange, banana, nuts – especially those rich in Omega-3 fatty acid, etc.
Bonus point: Do not ‘bottle things up’; let out thoughts bothering your mind. You can do this by keeping a journal [of these thoughts] or just share with your loved ones. And finally, make out time to enjoy nature’s beauty – go on a sight-seeing escapade and give yourself a good treat.