We are a community of WordPress users in various forms; business owners, developers, designers, bloggers, startups and publishers.
We get together every month in different areas of Lagos to network, solve/discuss WordPress challenges, learn, and share WordPress knowledge.
This community is open to all who use WordPress. Whether you are a beginner or an expert --- join us!
The WordPress Nigerian community has a Slack workspace for virtual support and networking, join here: bit.ly/wpnaija
Our only criteria for being a part of our community is for you to follow the five good-faith rules from the global meetup organizer handbook. Find it here: https://make.wordpress.org/community/handbook/meetup-organizer/welcome/
Member Strength: 2052
Meetup City: Lagos
Join Mode: open
Open To: public
Web Address:
Lagos WordPress CommunityOrganizer: WordPress
The WordPress open source, free software project is the community behind the application you know and love. Powered by volunteers around the world, you can get involved at: make.wordpress.org.
To contact us, please email us at: [email protected]
Source: Meetup