Merit Scholarship Program At Qubec university in Canada, 2020/2021

The objective of the Merit Scholarship Program for Foreign Students (PBEEE) is to support the internationalization of research activities in Qubecs institutions of higher education, to attract the best foreign researchers and students, and to promote abroad Qubec universities and College Centres for the Transfer of Technologies (CCTT).

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must meet all eligibility conditions at the closing date of the competition (a different closing date has to be confirmed for the students preselected by CSC).
  • Must have been preselected by a university or Synchronex (a CCTT).
  • For the Qubec-China scholarship, must be preselected by the CSC.
  • Cannot have already received a Merit Scholarship for Foreign Students from MEES, FRQNT or theFonds de recherche du Qubec Socit et culture (FRQSC).
  • Cannot be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
  • Cannot have applied for permanent resident status under Canadian immigration law.


  • Double doctoral degree programs are not eligible.
  • Qubec-Wallonia scholarship applicants must have previously studied in a French-language university-level institution in Belgium by the time they are granted their scholarship.
  • Doctoral research (V1, 1B, 1C, 1I, 1IS, 1M, 1W) scholarship recipients must:Have a Certificat dacceptation du Qubec (CAQ) issued by the ministre de lImmigration, de la Diversit et de lInclusion du Qubec and a study permit issued by the Canadian Consulate valid for the entire duration of their scholarship.
  • Postdoctoral scholarship (V2, 2B, 2C, 2I, 2M) recipients must:Have a work permit issued by the Canadian Consulate for the entire duration of their scholarship.
  • Short-term research or professional developmentscholarship (V3, 3B, 3C, 3I, 3IS, 3M, 3W) recipients must:Have a temporary resident visa or electronic travel authorization to come to Canada.

Qubec Scholarship Program Coverage.

The Merit Scholarship Programs for Foreign Students has three components:

  • Doctoral research scholarships (V1, 1B, 1C, 1I, 1IS, 1M, 1W):,000 a year. The duration of the scholarship is three years, with a possible extension of up to 12 months (monthly allowance of ,000).
  • Postdoctoral scholarships (V2, 2B, 2C, 2I, 2M): ,000 for one year (cannot be renewed).
  • Short-term research or professional development scholarships (V3, 3B, 3C, 3I, 3IS, 3M, 3W): ,000 a month for a period of up to four months.

In addition to the scholarship, MEES offers all scholarship recipients an exemption from paying the higher tuition fees required for foreign students and the medical insurance coverage offered by the Rgie de lassurance maladie du Qubec (RAMQ).

Method of Application

  • Submission of applications to FRQNT of the preselected candidates by responsible bodies (universities, Synchronex, SRE):October 1st 2019, 4 pm
  • Submission to FRQNT of the candidates preselected by CSC:March 31st 2020
  • Submission of application to FRQNT by preselected candidates:November 1st 2019, 4 pm

Once preselected, the candidate must create his account in the FRQnet system. The FRQNT will then contact all preselected candidates to complete an electronic form to which the required documents will be attached. Applicants can consult the Instructions for completing an application document in the Toolbox.

  • Only the 2020-2021 competition electronic forms and other required documents will be accepted. No documents other than those requested will be transmitted to the evaluation committee.
  • E-forms are available only in the secure zone of the FRQnet system of the FRQNT. They must be completed and sent electronically.
  • Files cannot be updated after the closing date for applications. It is suggested to keep a printed copy of your form for your records
  • The form may be completed in French or English. Candidates who apply in English must provide a French title for their project.



Source: Scholarships And Aid