Time and again, we have been made to understand that exercises are beneficial for our well-being. And, rightly so; there is a wide range of health benefits - from minimising the risk of one being downed by chronic illnesses to boosting energy level, developing healthy bones and muscles, helping one have sound sleep/relaxation and so on - derivable from partaking in physical exercises on a regular basis. So, a lot of persons would have shut out the idea of exercises being a death trap.

But then, news about how a number of individuals suddenly slumped and breathed their last while engaging in one form of physical exercise or the other has made the rounds at different points in time, and this is enough reason to ask the question: why should an activity meant to improve a person’s health eventually serve as a stimulant for his/her demise? The answer to this may lie in the knowledge one has about his/her body and how it works. More so, it is highly probable that there are some conditions that an individual’s body may be predisposed to, that do not permit specific kinds of exercise.

On the other hand, there are instances whereby exercises may end up turning into a stressor with a person overworking or exerting so much pressure (on) a particular machinery/organ in his/her body. In most of the cases of exercise-related deaths, the cause is traceable to heart complications, especially cardiac arrest and older persons (above 40 years of age) who do not moderate their physical exercise routine have a higher tendency of falling victim, but fatal incidences involving younger individuals cannot be outrightly ruled out, nonetheless.

A report, based on the findings of a scientific research and provided by New York Post, intimated that a high level of exercise can be a risk factor for heart attack consequently leading to death. So, from the foregoing, it is obvious that while physical exercises are good, what one makes of it could either aid in improving the health or turn it into a death trap. You should, therefore, watch out for certain symptoms [like shortness of breath, chest pain, light-headedness, irregular heartbeat, etc.] that are often associated with overexercising. You should give yourself a quick break whenever you notice any of these symptoms - remember, you can leave to fight another day. Talking about moderation; according to renowned medical institution, Mayo Clinic, 150 minutes of aerobic activity every week is perfect for anyone looking to maintain a safe (exercise) routine.

Besides moderation, since exercise-related deaths are commonly due to heart complications, it would be of immeasurable benefits to know the kinds of exercise that individuals with a history of heart disease can partake in. The following aerobic exercises are often recommended:

  • Swimming
  • Light jogging
  • Biking
  • Walking
  • Stretching (for 5 minutes)
  • Dancing

You should do these exercises at a slow pace - no overexertion - and ensure that you do not get dehydrated over a long period of time while at it.