Subject: Basic Science

Topic: Rocks

Duration: 40mins

Instructional Material: Diagram of Rock

Previous Knowledge: Pupils are familiar with Acid and Bases

Objective: At the end of the lesson, pupils should:

  • State the types of rocks
  • List the uses of rocks


Rocks are found everywhere. They are found in hills, mountains, in the soil, under the ground etc. there are many rocks in Nigeria e.g. Zuma Rock in Abuja, Shee rock in Jos and the Olumo rock in Abeokuta.

Rocks can be different sizes. Small rocks are called stones and pebbles. Huge rocks found on mountains are called boulders.

The breakdown of rocks by physical and chemical means or by living organism form soil. Rocks can be of 3 types based on their formation.

Classification of Rocks

  1. Igneous Rock: It is formed as a result of eruption of molten magma from the volcano e.g. granite, pumice stone.
  2. Sedimentary Rock: They are formed as a result of deposit of sand and silt with animal remains over a long period of time e.g. conglomerate shale, sand stone, limestone and coal.
  • Metamorphic Rock: They are formed from rocks that occurs in sedimentary and igneous rock due to heat or pressure. E.g. marble, slate from shale, quartize from limestone and Gnesis from granite.

Uses of Rocks

  1. Important source of fuel (coal).
  2. Used to polish and clean floor (pumice stone).
  3. Used in making cement for the construction of building (limestone)
  4. Used in making lead pencils (granite)
  5. Used in making jewellery (rubies, diamond, emerald etc.)
  6. Many rocks are used to make buildings, bridges, rail track, and statues.



Step 1: Teacher revises the previous lesson with the pupils.

Step 2: Teacher introduces and explains the new topic to the pupils.

Step 3: Pupils are allowed to ask questions.

Step 4: Teacher writes notes under content on the board for pupils to copy.


  1. List three uses of rocks
  2. Give four examples of rocks in Nigeria and state where each one is found.

Conclusion: Teacher collects notes for marking.