Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Resource Development and Distribution

Duration: 40mins

Reference Material: Easyway to Social Studies for Primary School, 5

Previous Knowledge: Pupils are familiar with organisation.

Objective: At the end of the lesson, pupils should:

  • Define Resources (b) Mention types of resources
  • Mention reasons for uneven distribution of resources
  • List ways of ensuring even distribution of resources.


Resources are what we use to develop products or accomplish a task, it can be human or material.

Capital is the amount of money a person has, which can be used in producing things; capital can be used for the following:

  • Provision of social amenities e.g. road, water, electricity
  • Payment of workers
  • Investment
  • Buying property
  • Assisting other nations

There are four basic types of resources we use in developing the society.

These are: (a) land (b) labour (c) capital (d) entrepreneurs

Resources are not available in all prats of the country.

Reasons for Uneven Distribution of Resources

  1. Nature Lack of access (bad road)  iii. Location of market iv. Politics

Ways of Ensuring Even Distribution of Resources

  1. Making deliberate policies to develop the rural area.
  2. Establishment of industries in other places apart from the cities.
  3. Provision and spread of social amenities around the country.
  4. Provision of incentives to encourage people to invest in business in the rural areas.


Step 1: Teacher revises the previous lesson with the pupils.

Step 2: Teacher introduces and explains the new topic to the pupils.

Step 3: Pupils are allowed to ask questions.

Step 4: Teacher writes notes under content on the board for pupils to copy.


  1. What is Capital?
  2. List reasons for uneven distribution of resources.

Conclusion: Teacher moves round for inspection, marking and correction of notes where necessary.