Subject: Vocational Aptitude
Topic: Oil Palm Production
Duration: 40mins
Reference Material: Effective vocational Aptitude for primary school 5
Previous Knowledge: Pupils are familiar with Lumbering
Instructional Material: Diagram of palm tree; palm kernel
Objective: At the end of the lesson, pupils should:
- Mention the scientific name of oil palm
- State tools used in oil palm production/processing
Oil palm is a perennial crop. A perennial crop is a crop that grows and completes its life cycle in two or more years. It is a crop that is noted for the supply of oil. The oil is gotten from the nut. The nut of palm tree is called palm kernel. The oil is processed in a place called “Oil Mill”.
There are two species and these are:
- African Oil Palm known as Elacis guineensis
- American Oil Palm known as Elacisn oleifera.
The oil palm is a crop that is known for supplying oil used in cooking, other seeds that gives oil are groundnut, sheanut, cotton seed etc.
Tools used in Oil Palm Processing are:
- Storage Tank Digester c. Clarifier Tank
- Palmnut cracker e. Oil Filter Machine f. Spindle press
Step 1: Teacher revises the previous lesson with the pupils.
Step 2: Teacher introduces and explains the new topic to the pupils.
Step 3: Pupils are allowed to ask questions.
Step 4: Teacher writes notes under content on the board for pupils to copy.
- Mention 3 other seeds that gives oil.
- List three food in which oil palm can be used for
Conclusion: Teacher moves round for inspection, marking and correction of notes where necessary
Assignment: Page 20, 10 – 20