Missing plane: Vehicle carrying Kenya search team crashes
News & Trends • 7 years ago
a kenya red cross vehicle carrying a team headed to join the search and rescue efforts for the missing flysax plane has been involved in an accident1 the red cross vehicle carrying the search team collided head-on with a lorry as it headed for the rescue mission1 three patients were rushed to the nakuru general hospital in critical conditions while eight others were taken to the jm memorial hospital in ol kalou nyandarua county1 the cesna c208 craft registration number 5y-cac was flying from a kitale airstrip in trans-nzoia county when it lost contact with control tower at 5p.m. tuesday in the aberdares1 the plane left kitale shortly after 4p.m. with eight passengers and two crew members on board and was expected in nairobi about an hour later1 the missing 12-passenger plane is operated by east africa safari air express a subsidiary of fly540.a statement from the airline acknowledged its aircraft was indeed missing but combined efforts of kcaa kenya wildlife services kws and the air accident investigation division of kenya aaid had been going on to locate it1